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History of the Book of Zechariah

This minor prophet of God declares to the people to prepare for the Messiah. Like Haggai, Zechariah exhorts the Jews to complete the construction of the Temple which they have been procrastinating with for about a dozen years or more. The building of the Temple was their responsibility and God used Zechariah to encourage them to action by reminding them of the future importance of the temple. It must be built , because one day the Messiah's glory will inhabit it. The blessing of the Lord was also contingent upon their obedience to this task. This was not just a building but the future. He relates it to the coming of the Messiah in a series of visions and messianic prophecies. Zechariah was a younger contemporary of Haggai the prophet, Zerubbabel the governor and Joshua the high priest. The time of chapters 1-8 is between 520 B.C. to 518 B.C. Chapters 9-14 are undated but the references to Greece indicate a date of somewhere around 480 B.C. to 470 B.C.
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Father God,
We pray in intercession that You send Your Spirit to the one that wishes to read Your Holy Word in this Book of Zechariah. We pray that You fill them with understanding, so that they may discern and have placed on their heart the things which they need to know as they read this Old Testament Book of Your Holy Word. Thank You for hearing our prayer Holy Lord.
In Your great and Mighty Name we pray,
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